I have been talking to this boy online for half a year, and I really like him. He says he likes me too and wants to meet face to face. He sent me his picture and he looks cute. I really want to meet him in real life, but I'm worried that he could be a bad person. What should I do?
write@ttitude says: A nice personality and compatibility are the qualities you should look for in a boyfriend, not looks. But if you think that he's nice enough and you really want to meet him, you should first tell your family about it. Ask him to meet you in public, and at a place you are familiar with. Make sure you leave your contact and meeting details with your parents, or ask them to pick you up afterwards. Be careful.
What is the difference between expensive make-up products and cheap ones?
write@ttitude says: The main difference between the expensive and cheaper cosmetics is, apart from the brand name and packaging, the quality. This means how long the make-up will last and whether it contains any harmful ingredients. The production of cheaper ones might not be closely monitored and tested. The risk of having an allergic reaction to make-up products is higher if you use the inexpensive ones. But this doesn't mean that you have to spend a fortune to get good quality products. For something that you use extensively and daily, such as foundation and compact powder, it is advisable to use those with a good reputation and longer history. But for other small items like eye shadow, some more affordable brands could be considered, as these are not used every day, and you might want to change your style frequently.