WITH nine HKCEE distinctions in his pocket, science student Yau Ka-fai of Tsuen Wan Government School has a bright future to look forward to.
But before he decides on what he wants to be, Ka-fai will be busy preparing for the International Olympiad Informatics (IOI), a computer programming contest in Argentina, to be held next month.
And he hopes that he can repeat his recent success and bring honour to Hong Kong.
Ka-fai will also join the Hong Kong training team to compete for a chance to participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad.
But he said: ''With 60 participants, I am not sure I can be one of the six to be chosen, but I will try my best.'' Ka-fai scored As in English, Chinese, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Additional Mathematics, Computer, and Principles of Accounts - which he studied on his own.
He said he was pleasantly surprised when he received his results on Tuesday. ''I can't believe I got nine distinctions. because I was so worried about the Chinese Language paper,'' he said.