Thanks to everyone who entered our Celestial Pictures Competition. Our winners - who each get a Shaw Brother's DVD - named the following as their favourite Hong Kong movie scenes:
- The World Of Suzie Wong, when William Holden walks past the Man Mo temple, turns left into Ladder Street and ? is suddenly in Wan Chai. Michiyo Matsuki
- The opening of Love Is A Many Splendored Thing, with the flight over Hong Kong harbour, if only for the shock of a nearly unrecognisable channel and the clarity of the air. If only they'd followed the shot through and made that thrilling right turn into the former Kai Tak Airport.Todd Lowe
- The nearly endless (15 minute?) chase scene in Life Is Cheap ? But Toilet Paper Is Expensive. I get tired just thinking about it. David Fox
- Enter The Dragon, with Bruce Lee's psychedelic mirror-clad maze. 'Destroy the image, and you will break the enemy.' Mark Panckhurst
- Chungking Express. The frantic rubber glove, clean and scrub, in the flat next to the escalator. Mike Atkin