Hong Kong is a prosperous and hectic city, but there are many social problems, especially with regard to the elderly.
The problem is increasing as the number of old people in the population rises.
Many old people in Hong Kong are not cared for by their relatives and are left to fend for themselves. Family members do not lend financial support and old folk must depend on financial subsidies from the government. This imposes a heavy financial burden on the Treasury.
I would like to suggest a number of possible solutions.
To begin with, the government should establish an 'elderly fund', getting contributions from non-profit-making and profit-making organisations. This fund could provide financial subsidies for the elderly, which would enable them to pay for medical fees, household bills and general living expenses. Also, money from the fund could be used to organise recreational activities for old people, so they could enjoy a meaningful and happy life.
The government should encourage schools to educate pupils about the importance of respecting elders. Children should learn to treat their parents with respect and love and when they grow up they can provide financial support after their parents have retired.