New city chief a party loyalist with a commitment to the financial hub
Mr Zheng is an economist with a commitment to developing the city into a world financial and trade centre.
But he is also a loyalist with ties to Huang Ju, who was recently promoted to a seat on the Standing Committee of the Communist Party's Politburo from his post as Shanghai party secretary.
Mr Han, 48, has served as vice-mayor and executive vice-mayor since 1998. His originally had the civil affairs portfolio, but his role gradually expanded as he grew closer to assuming the mantle of leadership.
Analysts say Mr Han is not a pioneering economic reformer, but he can be expected to continue the policies that have brought rapid growth to Shanghai.
He is friendly towards business and the market. In comments published by state media two years ago, he called for using the property market to support economic growth - a policy Shanghai has followed.
Mr Han was born in Zhejiang province near Shanghai. He received a graduate degree from Shanghai's East China Normal University.