
Apple nurtures faithful to make its presence felt in jungle of Windows

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Despite being the proud owner of a state-of-the-art Apple Powerbook G4 with one gigabyte of memory and a DVD burner, I cannot help but feel like a computing pariah in the nation's capital.


The personal computing landscape in China is so overwhelmingly dominated by computers running Microsoft's Windows operating system that it takes a brave individual indeed to plunk down the premium required to buy into the Mac's supposedly superior user experience.

There is, however, a certain cachet to owning the latest Apple PowerBook model in Beijing. It is the Porsche of laptops, a lean, mean status symbol that screams graphic designer, advertising executive, movie director, Web designer and journalist.

Whip one out in public and you can almost hear the click as people around you mentally slot you into a hip and trendy profession.

Tapping away at a new PowerBook G4 in public is the computing equivalent of holding up a placard or wearing a T-shirt that screams: 'I am a bona fide member of China's digerati.'


While the PowerBook is an attention grabber, ask the vendors at one of Beijing's many computer stores whether they sell Macs and you are promptly dismissed with a wave of the hand and a look that says 'Get with the program loser!'
