The decision caught principals by surprise - and there is uncertainty whether international and ESF schools will have to abide by it
Primary school representatives said yesterday they were shocked and unprepared for the Education and Manpower Bureau's announcement that their classes would remain shut next week.
The suspension of classes at primary schools and kindergartens would continue until further notice because younger children were less able to protect themselves against severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars), Secretary for Education and Manpower Arthur Li Kwok-cheung said yesterday.
But Form One and Two students were told to go back to school on Monday, following the resumption of classes in Form Three and above on Tuesday.
Professor Li said primary schools were likely to be reopened in stages but declined to say when the bureau would review the situation or announce a date.
The statement came as a shock to many primary school representatives, who believed they had reached a consensus with the bureau to resume Primary Four to Six classes next Monday and the remaining grades a week later.
School officials and parents said the government's indecision and vague instructions had created chaos.