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AFTER much dithering, talks finally get underway today between Hong Kong and Chinese authorities on repatriating the more than 2,400 Vietnamese illegal immigrants who have flooded into the territory in recent months from China. The Hong Kong delegation, led by acting Political Adviser John Ashton, will need to stress to its Chinese counterparts that the Vietnamese are not Hong Kong's responsibility. They are unwelcome in the territory and are placing an undue burden on local resources.


While Hong Kong will expect China to shoulder some of the cost of any repatriation, the most important issue will be to work out details of an orderly return programme. China favours returning the Vietnamese illegals by sea, but the Hong Kong Government prefers the safer and more reliable land route. Sending them across the border by road is the usual form of repatriation for mainland illegal immigrants and the Vietnamese should be treated no differently.

However, what form the repatriation exercise takes will be pointless if China places obstacles in the talks by putting the onus on Hong Kong to verify the identity of the Vietnamese illegals. This should be China's responsibility. As long as both sides show willingness and sincerity, agreement can be reached on returning the Vietnamese illegal immigrants to China, and more importantly, preventing another influx.
