
Games would fuel sales and marketing

Benjamin Li

VICTORY for Beijing in the contest to hold the 2000 Olympic Games would create numerous marketing opportunities in China, according to Steven Chang Heung-lam, media group director of Saatchi & Saatchi Advertising.

Mr Chang said there was no way of knowing how much advertising revenue would be generated, but that Chinese consumers would start spending more as a result of the promotions.

Sales of sports goods, drinks and electronic appliances - particularly televisions and video players - would be likely to increase.

Hotels and airlines would also benefit from Beijing's increased global exposure.

''All sorts of marketing and promotional jobs, like public relations, direct marketing and sponsorship, would become available,'' Mr Chang said.

He said Beijing might rely on local agencies for promotions in Asia, but would need wider expertise for global advertising.

Holding the games in Beijing would accelerate the expansion of China's advertising industry, he added.
