A nine-page magazine feature indicates official approval for Jiang Yanyong
Retired People's Liberation Army doctor Jiang Yanyong, who exposed the government's attempts to cover up Sars, appears to now have the seal of approval from top leaders.
The Beijing-based national news magazine Sanlian Shenghuo Zhoukan or Life Week has run a nine-page feature on Dr Jiang with the cover headline: 'The benefit of the people is above all else.'
Life Week's deputy editor Mao Wei said: 'We don't need to be first in breaking a news story, but we feel it is safer to write about Dr Jiang now.
'There are people in high levels who want to have more positive news written about Dr Jiang. Some top officials admire Dr Jiang very much.'
Though Dr Jiang was initially ignored, state media began to slowly introduce him to the public after Xinhua and the China News Agency ran small pieces late last month on his efforts to disclose the truth about the Sars situation to the foreign media.