CATER ''He was a truly great man.'' - Sir Jack Cater, paying tribute to Lord Kadoorie who died this week aged 94.
FORD ''Freedom of movement is integral to Hong Kong's success as a commercial and financial centre. Any suggestion that it will not happen in the future would be a great worry to people here.'' - Sir David Ford, pointing to the dangers posed by the Han Dongfang case.
WU ''I can't understand why there was no publicity. One of the aspects of the running of the judicial system and the administration of law is to ensure that everything is made open.'' - Anna Wu, criticising the execution in apparent secrecy of two Hong Kong citizens in Singapore after their conviction on drugs offences.
SAYER ''The big stick approach simply does not work when you've got 600 tired and angry people in a typhoon. - Superintendent Len Sayer, answering criticism from Hong Kong Ferry that police did not do enough to quell disquiet among Mui Wo passengers stranded at Peng Chau during last week's typhoon.
WARRINGTON ''It would be harder to hoist the Hong Kong flag the wrong way up.'' - Vivian Warrington, director of protocol, after issuing guidelines on the correct way to hoist the Union Flag after it was flown upside down at the Wan Chai government offices.
CHEUNG ''The scale of danger and the urgent need for us to do something to save the youngsters is just like that in the Opium War fought more than 150 years ago.'' - Cheung Che-kwok of the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health criticising the tobacco industry's sponsorship of products used by the young.