A free programme aimed at helping stressed-out parents raise healthy, well-adjusted children will be extended to every government-run child health centre by the middle of next year, the Department of Health said yesterday.
'Our studies show that parent training programmes are effective in improving children's behaviour problems, alleviating parental stress and anxiety, and improving spousal relationship,' said Shirley Leung Sze-lee, a principal medical and health officer at the department.
She said that since last year about 300 parents in Hong Kong had benefited from the Positive Parenting programme, which was developed by clinical psychologists at the University of Queensland, in Australia. Only 20 maternal and child health centres offer it, however.
'Most parents receiving the training said that their skills in managing children's behaviour problems greatly improved and children are more compliant than before,' Dr Leung said.
Last year, the department received 940 replies in a survey aimed at parents with children aged four or older.
Results showed that about 10 per cent of children had significant behaviour problems, including disobedience, tantrums and destructive behaviour. They also showed a link between such problems and parental stress.