Q What do you think of Izzue's Nazi-themed fashion line?
(Note: On Tuesday, izzue.com announced that it was removing the clothing line from its shelves. However, the firm's handling of the controversy continues to provoke strong responses from readers. Here are some of them)
The line by Izzue that 'it is simply the creative work of a very politically ignorant and insensitive designer' will not do. From inception of the idea until the items of clothing hit the stores, this line of 'creative work' would have had to be approved by many levels of management.
Just how many politically ignorant and insensitive people work at this company? The most worrying aspect of this story is that this company sheds its responsibilities towards the youth that will be wearing these items. They say that, chances are, none of the young people who buy their clothes know anything about Nazism.
These kids could well find themselves walking around other parts of the world where citizens will take issue with them wearing clothes bearing the Nazi insignia. Their clothes will make them walking targets for verbal, if not physical, abuse.
David Yip, Central