From the South China Morning Post this week in 1953
There was a brisk trade in bride-buying according The Truth's Darwin correspondent, who reported Australian-born Chinese were paying A$200 for Hong Kong wives half their age.
They apparently preferred Hong Kong brides because they were 'more submissive' than Darwin girls, who were 'too fond of freedom'.
The exchange of prisoners of war following the Korean armistice continued to cause trouble. South Korean civilians threw rocks at passing truckloads of communist prisoners, injuring 160. This was in retaliation for the Reds throwing boots at them while being transported from Inchon to the POW transit camp at Yongbong Po.
A letter from S. Grove of the Hong Kong Telephone Company explained recent chaos in the phone service.
The blame was attributed to 3,000 disobedient subscribers failing to pick up their new phone directories and continuing to dial outdated numbers as a result.
The opening of the East and Quarry Bay exchanges had caused mayhem with 5,000 new numbers.