Chairman says increased building in China may be the only choice if freeze on land sales is extended
Hang Lung Group could be forced to accelerate investment on the mainland should the Hong Kong government decide to extend its suspension of land sales, chairman Ronnie Chan Chi-chung warned yesterday.
Mr Chan said a dearth of investment opportunities at home had led Hang Lung to consider looking in mainland cities, which he said offered a stable market outlook.
'In the Hong Kong market ... we have no opportunity,' he said, referring to a government decision in November last year to put land sales on hold.
Mr Chan made the comments yesterday after Hang Lung posted a 29.6 per cent drop in full year earnings to HK$488 million.
His is one of a growing number of voices to express worries over the government's land policy, designed to rein in supply and support prices. The suspension was to last a year and a review is scheduled in November.