Q Should the government be forced to stop filling in the harbour?
I oppose further harbour reclamation but disagree with Winston Chu's approval of road building.
If we are at last learning to draw a line at reclamation (which has been going on for over a hundred years), how long will it take us to recognise that enough is enough with road-building too?
Wan Chai district councillor John Tse is correct in saying 'the more roads you build, the more cars will come along and fill them up. If we don't stop this now, the cycle will just go on and on'. This echoes the government's own studies. Road building is not a solution to congestion.
London has relieved congestion by making drivers pay for the privilege of using existing roads, not building more. Yet we hand road space out free to wealthy car owners. Enlightened transport philosophy recognises traffic levels and growth must be reduced. Road building is unsustainable for many reasons, including pollution/climate change implications, but we should also be questioning the theft of public space by proliferating cars. Why do 90 per cent of cars on the road carry no passengers, just the driver? How can the Transport Department justify licensing policies encouraging ever-increasing numbers of so-called sports utility vehicles on to our streets - these dangerous two-tonne gas guzzlers designed to intimidate other road users?