SCMP Centenary Exhibition
To celebrate the centenary of the South China Morning Post, this photographic exhibition follows the triumphs and challenges faced by Hong Kong during the past 100 years. Today, 10am-7pm, Devon House Exhibition Area, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay. Daily, Oct 17-20, 10am-8pm, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon. Inquiries: 2250 3120
Chromoskedasic Paintings
Renaissance man Dominic Lam Man-kit is an accomplished scientist - he taught at Harvard and has 17 patents in medicine - and is a chromoskedasic artist. Also known as NanoArt, as the paintings are based on nanometer-size particles, Lam discovered the medium when developing black and white photos of the retina. The Rotunda, Exchange Square, Central. All proceeds go to the World Eye Organisation. Inquiries: 2525 2099. Until Oct 23
Images Of Women VIII