Q Should EOC boss Michael Wong Kin-chow be sacked?
As a taxpayer of 40 years' standing, I resent any part of my tax money going to this self-serving person who is clearly inappropriate for the job. Michael Wong Kin-chow, for God's sake show some dignity and go. Mr Wong seems to be yet another of our chief executive's friends being rewarded. Tung Chee-hwa backed the discretionary double payment to Mr Wong. There should not be this discretion. It is fraught with possibilities of conflict of interest.
Peter Berry, Lamma Island
The cynicism shown by the Tung administration when it refused to reappoint Anna Wu Hung-yuk as the EOC commissioner has backfired. The appointment of Mr Wong as new commissioner was an insult to Hong Kong people.
The pathetic attempt at spin by Home Affairs Secretary Patrick Ho Chi-ping when the announcement was made that it was time for 'fresh blood' to be brought in clearly indicates how removed from reality this administration truly is. Mr Wong has shown he regards the EOC as his personal fiefdom as well as demonstrating a lack of empathy for this very important position.
His reputation for human rights work before his appointment was zero. The arrogant decision to sack Patrick Yu Chung-yin, who is recognised as having valuable and relevant experience for the post is unacceptable. Mr Yu should be reinstated and Mr Wong should go. It is outrageous Mr Wong should remain as commissioner and sully the reputation of the EOC and continue to get $300,000 from the public purse each month.