Harbour Fest - and all the negativity surrounding the event - finally reaches a climax this weekend with the highly anticipated double performance by the Rolling Stones. Mick Jagger will join the rest of the boys when he flies in by private jet tonight before checking into the Grand Hyatt. The Stones shows on Friday and Sunday (plus the incomparable Neil Young on Thursday) provide a last chance for the nay-sayers to change their tune.
Says one CitySeen reader: 'There is too much negativity surrounding the event. It's great - anyone who has been to Harbour Fest has enjoyed themselves. It really is good fun. I hope people don't miss out.' (Neil Young, by the way, is arriving one hour after Mick Jagger.) CitySeen agrees it's time to join in the fun and forget the politics, as the ad says.
Nevertheless, there are whispers of a protest brewing at the Stones concerts. According to an anonymous caller, a group of Chinese men, speaking in both Cantonese and English, were overheard plotting a demonstration to demand organisers resign, return taxpayers' money and apologise over their handling of the festival. Apparently, the would-be demonstrators hoped to bolster their numbers by inviting the anti-Article 23 campaigners to join in their action. So far, 'Long Hair' Leung Kwok-hung, our favourite protester, has not heard anything. 'If you find out about it, call me, I want to go!'
So if either of us hears anything, we'll call the other.