I congratulate the American Chamber of Commerce for putting on the Harbour Fest.
It was fantastic to hear so many people being interviewed in Hong Kong for television from all over the world saying how great it was. Despite the negative brigade in Hong Kong, there were plainly those who came from the other side of the world especially to see the concerts and enjoyed them thoroughly.
To have these concerts in such a magnificent setting in the middle of one of the world's great cities can only impress visitors, who will surely go home to tell their friends about Hong Kong. Of course they will come back, with their friends, for another Harbour Fest.
Also, many people have been amazed that the festival could have been put on in such a short time.
Those of us living locally have been treated to some of the world's best performers right on our own doorstep. Surely we in Hong Kong should be proud of this and shouting for another, better, bigger festival next year, not listening to those who are intent on spending their time moaning and putting down those who have dared to stand up and do something for Hong Kong.
Jim Thompson and others in AmCham, I and many others applaud you for your massive efforts for Hong Kong. Many heartfelt thanks.