Guests experienced sensory overload when Celine staged its Femmes photo exhibition at One Peking Road. The crowd was wooed by powerful images of women taken by photographers around the globe. Wing Shya provided a local take, photographing six Hong Kong women, including Maggie Q and dancer Gaynor Fairweather who both attended the event.
Guests were ushered into the atrium of One Peking Road to a makeshift club, where the bamboo-lined walls created a feeling of depth and openness. The handfuls of cigars and non-stop champagne helped settle the crowd into a groove, dominated by the live performance of angst-driven Kathryn Perry, America's answer to Canadian star Alanis Morissette.
On the A-list that night was Veuve Clicquot's Bruno Yvon, Shanghai Tang's Raphael le Masne de Chermont, publisher Lionel Fisher, Shirley Hiranand and Reyna, Laila and Tiana Harilela.
Making a quick visit was Flora Cheong-leen, who was in town post-honeymoon with her new husband, Russell Wong. Interior designer Alan Chan, filmmaker Stanley Wong, fashion designer Johanna Ho and king of streetwear Rocky Fok were also present.