A new documentary, The Flute Player, which revolves around a Cambodian musician who is haunted by memories of war, will be screened at the Visual Arts Centre tomorrow.
Directed by Jocelyn Glatzer, the film is about Arn Chorn Pond, a gifted flutist and human rights leader. As a boy, he witnessed torture during the Khmer Rouge's reign of terror during the 1970s and survived by playing the instrument for his captors' entertainment. All his family members were killed by Pol Pot's henchmen. Eventually he escaped to the United States, where he started a new life.
The film follows Arn trying to encourage Cambodia's musicians to revitalise the industry and Cambodian-American children to merge hip-hop with traditional Cambodian music.
In English and Khmer with English subtitles, The Flute Player will be showing at 7pm. Tickets cost $70 (non-Asia Society members), $50 (members) and $30 (full-time students). Inquiries on 2103 9508.