Q What do you think of the Central Christmas tree?
The Christmas Wishing Tree is certainly attracting a lot of attention. It is indeed brash, gaudy and vulgar. But any doubt as to whether it is appropriate for Hong Kong can be removed by simply taking a close look at it.
There are no fewer than 17 signs surrounding it - each on a neat little stand and all in three languages: English, Chinese and Japanese. There are signs saying 'Please do not touch', 'Please do not climb', 'Please keep clean', and at least five saying very clearly 'No entry'.
In addition, the whole thing is protected by a most unwelcoming black barrier, with three uniformed guards patrolling the perimeter.
This strikes me as a perfect addition to the Hong Kong scene and I am sure it will give the correct impression to all who visit it: 'We wish you a Merry Christmas, but only during the prescribed opening hours. In the meantime, please go away.'
Robert Nield, Clearwater Bay