It was a scene 007 would have killed to feature in: the Kee Club packed with gamblers at the Casino Royale party, with patrons darkly or dazzlingly elegant by turn in tuxedos and ball gowns. About 400 people guzzled Veuve and picked at the seafood buffet, but most focused on tossing chips at the makeshift baccarat tables.
Among the Royale-ists were Reyna and Mahesh Harilela, Harry and Shirley Hiranand, Louise Kou, Hubert Wang Tose and his wife Pascale, veteran society queen Shirley Li, Susan Chan, and John and Cheryl Moore.
The Harilela clan stuck together in their VIP room, and saw in the New Year as a family. Reyna even called home as the clock struck midnight.
Crashing the party was actress-singer Milla Jovovich (rumours are that she almost didn't get into Dragon-i), who danced non-stop to Paris DJ Jacques. She came from Shanghai to see in the New Year with two friends, fellow band member Chris Brenner and designer Hilary Jennings from Japan.