I was surprised to see Frank Ching ('Whose power?' January 30) taking the trouble to reply to the letter headlined 'Political slogans' by C. Y. Leung.
Mr Leung's patriotically toned letters to this column have often been argumentative but have drawn little response. Yet I cannot wait to read Mr Leung's version of 'People's Republic' in Ching's statement: 'Countries that call themselves a 'People's Republic' should be particularly concerned about seeing to it that power does reside with the people.'
Mr Leung asks how 'returning power to the people' can be reconciled with 'one country' of 'one country, two systems'. Was he implying that 'returning power to the people' can be reconciled with 'two systems'?
Deng Xiaoping's unprecedented concept of 'one country, two systems' was a brilliant creation. What was new and unique was the 'two systems', which earned the trust of the international business community.
Keep in mind that 'one country, two systems' is one concept. Ironically, several years after supreme leader Deng's death, Hong Kong's own top political leaders tend to break it down by advocating 'one country'.
Blatantly ignoring the other half simply renders the concept a lie.