The woman of your dreams is set to arrive at your place at any moment and so far everything has gone according to plan. The incredibly sexy (and very expensive) set of La Perla lingerie is nestled safely in its tissue-lined box, dinner is in the oven and three dozen red roses are on the table. Barry White is crooning in the background and you're ready to go.
The next thing you know dinner is burning, the bra you got her is far too big (or too small), the flowers are all wrong and your apartment is on fire because you knocked over a few candles.
To most of us, Valentine's Day can go one of two ways - perfectly smoothly or horrendously wrong. To prevent the latter, it is essential that most men do one thing: plan ahead. Start with the basics: flowers, chocolates and lingerie.
You cannot go wrong with chocolate, especially since most women are chocoholics.
Once you venture into the more confusing worlds of flowers and lingerie, matters can get complicated.