icac arrests 18 in cleaning jobs probe
ICAC officers have arrested 18 people, including two directors of a cleaning firm, for allegedly accepting money in return for ensuring workers kept their jobs, it was revealed yesterday. The Independent Commission Against Corruption said two managers, a foreman and four cleaning workers of the company as well as seven subcontractors and two of their employees were among the 18 people arrested.
Unlicensed dentist given suspended jail sentence
An unlicensed dentist who started operating in Hong Kong in 2002 because his two children could not support him and his wife was given a four-month jail term suspended for two years. Lo Kam-loi, 59, pleaded guilty to a charge of practising dentistry by an unregistered person, possessing poison and a substance that violates the Antibiotics Ordinance. He was also was fined $10,000. Kowloon City magistrate Colin Mackintosh said Lo had posed a risk to the community.
Church of Zion sues over alleged defamation
The Church of Zion is suing a former senior staff member over allegedly defamatory remarks he made about the group's operations and its chief. The High Court writ claims Kei Wai-yan made defamatory remarks about the religious group. It claimed the defamatory words, made at a press conference on January 27, were repeated in Next Magazine and Easyfinder.