Patients find self-care is vital to keep the illness under control
Being willing to alter one's lifestyle is a crucial factor in the fight against diabetes. A stark illustration is made by the cases of Yeung Chee-sun and his sister Betty Yeung So-ying.
Ms Yeung, a 29-year-old factory worker, tried from the beginning to do everything the doctors advised and is insulin-dependent and relatively free of complications.
Mr Yeung, a 32-year-old retired warehouse supervisor, did not take the advice seriously, and has just had part of his left leg amputated. He is wheelchair-bound and is on peritoneal dialysis three times a day.
Both have been treated for Type 1 diabetes mellitus since they were teenagers.
Despite efforts by the diabetes team at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Mr Yeung now has every possible complication, due to poor self-care.
Ms Yeung still struggles with weight control. She is on four injections a day, and her control over the disease is better when she succeeds in keeping her weight down.
'I was 13 when I was diagnosed,' she says. 'I always gave myself my shots and took my medicine faithfully.'