Wild at Soul, a new production by Class 7A Drama Group, is about alienation and absurd human behaviour in modern society. The play, directed by Freddy Wong Man-ho, features Mathew Cheung Chi-Man and Stephen Tsui Sin-tsang, two men who live in the same building.
Performed in Cantonese, the play will be staged at the Hong Kong Arts Centre's McAulay Studio from today until Monday and from April 29 to May 2 at 8.15pm, with matinees on Sunday and May 2 at 3.15pm.
Tickets at $95 (adults) and $65 (students) are available at HK Ticketing on 3128 8288.
The monthly Tom Lee Music Carnival will be held on Sunday at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. An exotic African drum session hosted by Kumi Masunaga will kick off the jamboree at 2pm. Jazz pianist Allen Youngblood will make a guest appearance, followed by performances from indie bands including Shadow, The Pliable, Azalea and Chan's Music and Beijing punk group Hang on the Box.