
Dream of Colours

Dream of Colours continues with its third week on TVB Jade at 8pm, Monday through Friday. Every Monday, we will publish the synopses of the week's five episodes.

Episode 11 (May 10)

Ling is upset because she sees Lik taking care of Mun who is drunk. Cho-yiu confesses to Ling that he's in love with her, but she tells him that she has always treated him only as a good friend. Ling is getting tired of the hectic lifestyle of a model and wants to settle down. She decides to propose to Lik. Yiu has always treated Long as nothing more than a bodyguard, until she finds out that he and Lik are brothers. She thinks this might help her career and decides to approach Long.

Episode 12 (May 11)

Ling is unhappy that Lik is always talking about Mun. Lik and Ling attend a pre-marital seminar during which they have to exchange their dating experiences with other couples. Lik has to leave early because of work, leaving Ling at the talk. Ling examines their relationship and realises that the passion has gone. She decides to split up with Lik. Lik tries to save the relationship, but Ling has her mind made up.

Episode 13 (May 12)

Ling takes a break and goes on a holiday. Lik is looking everywhere for her and finds out that she is in Thailand. Lik wants to go and see her, but is deterred by Cho-yiu.

Meanwhile, Cho-yiu secretly flies to Thailand to comfort Ling, trying to win her heart. Ling is confused at the beginning, but finally accepts his love.

Lik is furious when he learns that Cho-yiu and Ling are returning to Hong Kong together. He no longer wants to work with Cho-yiu and decides to leave fashion company NEE. Mun wants to leave as well, but Lik advises against it.

Episode 14 (May 13)

Without Lik's guidance, Mun lacks confidence in her work. Kau urges her to learn to be independent. Lik, who has lost his love and his job, is at an all-time low. Yiu keeps criticising Mun's designs. She sets Mun up again, making her look like a fool in front of the others. Only Mun knows that Yiu is purposely finding fault with her.

Episode 15 (May 14)

Mrs Cheung, a tycoon's wife, wants to ask Lik to design a wedding dress for her daughter. After she finds out that Lik has left NEE, she decides to give the project to Mun.

Yiu knows that if Mun's design turns out to be a success, she will be famous. She plans to spoil Mun's work again. Lik runs into Ling, but feels calm and indifferent.


Lik (Tse Kwan-ho): fashion designer

Ling (Melissa Ng Mei-hang): Lik's girlfriend

Kau (Lau Kong): Lik's mentor

Mun (Myolie Wu Hang-yee): Kau's granddaughter

Cho-yiu (Sin Lap-man): Lik's business partner

Yiu (Sharon Chan Mun-tsi): design graduate

Long (Kenneth Ma Kwok-ming): Lik's brother
