Lam Tsuen Public School, a 59-year-old village school in Tai Po, will be closed by the end of August after it decided against challenging the Education and Manpower Bureau decision to ban further Primary One enrolments.
Parent Melody Kwok gave up her plan to seek a judicial review after her legal aid application was rejected.
Parents were notified last week about the decision to close.
The school has 41 students, 18 of whom are due to graduate this year. The rest are in Primary Four and Five.
As it was ordered by the EMB not to admit Primary One students last September, it is not among the 23 under-enrolled schools given the option of a further special inspection this year, which could give them the right to re-admit students in 2005.
Principal Susan Sum So-shan said their priority now was to help students transfer to other schools. Half have opted to attend another school run by the same sponsoring body in Tai Po.