Verdict in Obscene article case adjourned
A verdict on five defendants charged with publishing an obscene article in relation to a semi-naked picture of actress Carina Lau Ka-ling in Eastweek magazine in October, 2002, has been adjourned until August 24.
The five defendants are the New Media Group, then Eastweek editor Henry Mong Hon-ming, two other Eastweek staff Wong Kim-man and Lee Sin-sau, and Dai Nippon Printing Company.
Eastweek sparked a public outcry after the picture, allegedly taken when the star was abducted 13 years ago, was printed.
Lifeguards, officials to meet in pay row
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong and Kowloon Lifeguards' Union will meet tomorrow and Friday for talks over the salaries of guards on temporary contracts. But the lifeguards, who met last night, have said they have not ruled out further industrial action in the pay dispute.
The department said it hoped to begin follow-up work as soon as possible after the meetings and had proposed to meet the union again next week to discuss the system for determining salaries.