Illegal immigrant arrested on The Peak after following tourists
An illegal immigrant from the mainland was arrested while following a group of tourists on The Peak yesterday.
Detectives are investigating whether the 24-year-old man is linked to the August 2 robbery of a Hungarian tourist - also on The Peak - in which she lost a rucksack containing $2,200, a mobile phone, passport and credit cards.
Vighne Seidarovszky, 57, was sitting on a bench in Pokfulam Reservoir Road when attacked. The case remains unsolved.
The mainlander was found following a group of tourists on the Peak Road about 10.30am yesterday.
'The tour guide felt suspicious when he led the tourists to take a walk along Harlech Road and Lugard Road and the suspect followed them and acted suspiciously,' an investigator said.
'After being followed for a distance, the guide called police to seek help.' The suspect reportedly told officers he was smuggled into Hong Kong by speedboat on Monday, but it is understood officers believe he has been in Hong Kong longer. He was carrying less than $200. No weapon was found on him. The man was being held last night for questioning in Central police station and had not been charged.