
Alex leads double life

Dino Mahoney

Last week Jordan finally told her best friend Kim that she was going out with Alex. She also told Kim that Roger had lied about Alex. But when Kim talked to Roger, he told her that he thought Alex was Jordan's toy boy.

In tonight's episode of Toy Boy, things get difficult for Alex. Coach Lam has to decide whether to expel Alex from the basketball team. And Alex has an argument with Jordan. To find out what happens to Alex, tune in to tonight's Songbirds on RTHK Radio 4 (97.6 FM) at 9.30pm. Below is the opening scene of Toy Boy for you to read before or while listening to the programme.

Kim: Hey, Jordan, what are you looking so happy about?

Jordan: Oh, Kim, isn't life good?

Kim: What's going on, Jordan? Yesterday you were in a really bad mood all day and this morning you come into class as if you were walking on air.

Jordan: I know, but something very special has happened, Kim.

Kim: Tell me, tell me.

Jordan: I never thought anything like this could ever happen to me ... it's like a dream ... an absolute dream and I hope I never wake up. I'm in love, Kim. I'm head over heels in love.

(SFX: Playground)

Kim: Hey, Roger.

Roger: Oh, hi, Kim. What's up?

Kim: Why did you say all that stuff to Jordan yesterday?

Roger: You mean about Alex?

Kim: None of it was true.

Roger: Listen, Kim, Alex HAS got the main part in the school play and he did stay out late with Jasmine and Candy.

Kim: Why would he lie to Jordan?

Roger: Because he doesn't want Jordan to know he's hanging out with Jasmine and Candy ... and he doesn't want to miss out on all the shopping.

Kim: Shopping? What shopping?

Roger: I've bumped into them twice now, coming out of expensive shops in Festival Walk ... Alex with bags full of designer clothes. I just wonder who's paying?

Kim: So what are you saying, Roger?

Roger: Don't say I said it, but it looks to me as if Alex is Jordan's toy boy.

Kim: But that's terrible. What are we going to do?

Roger: Jordan needs to see what's going on with her own eyes.

Kim: But how?

Roger: I'll find out when Jasmine and Candy are seeing Alex. I'll tell you and your job will be to get Jordan to where they're meeting so she can see with her own eyes.

Kim: Okay, Jordan's my best friend and I want to help her. If Alex is only going out with her because she is rich, then it has to stop.

Roger: He's a toy boy .. you only get his company if you pay for it.

(SFX: Playground)

Roger: Kim ... Kim ... over here.

Kim: What is it, Roger?

Roger: I've found out when they're meeting ... a friend of Candy's told me.

Kim: Okay, tell me.

Roger: Alex is meeting both Jasmine and Candy at a bar.

Kim: What's it called?

Roger: The Jam Bar, in Nathan Road, opposite Kowloon Park. They're meeting there Friday night at seven.

Kim: Okay, but how do I get Jordan there? We don't usually go to places like that.

Roger: Make up a story. Say a friend of yours has asked you to meet up there.

Kim: She won't believe me ... she'll be suspicious.

Roger: You'll think of something ... just make sure you get Jordan to the Jam Bar at around seven-thirty.

Kim: Okay, I'll do my best.

Roger: It's the only way she'll find out the truth.

Kim: Okay, Roger, thanks. I'll do my best.

(SFX: The basketball court)

Ringo: Hey, everyone, stop a minute. Alex, what's up?

Alex: Nothing, I've come for practice.

Ringo: Carry on without me guys, I won't be long.

Alex: What's going on?

Ringo: Coach Lam said he wanted to see you.

Alex: I told you to lay off for a bit, didn't I, Ringo?

Ringo: This has to be sorted out now, Alex.

Alex: Okay, Ringo, if that's how you want to play it.

Ringo: Coach Lam!

Coach: Ah, Alex, good to see you.

Alex: Hi, coach.

Now listen to the rest of Toy Boy and answer the following:

1. Which of these statements is true?

Coach Lam ...

a. tells Ringo that Alex must remain in the basketball team

b. puts Alex on a one-month probation

c. says Alex must leave the team

d. is very angry that Alex is in the school play

2. When Alex asks Jordan for advice on whether he should play basketball or get involved in drama, she answers:

a. He should try both

b. He should stick to basketball

c. He should try drama

d. He should give up both

(Answers: 1 c, 2 b)

You can listen to a repeat of tonight's Songbirds on Saturday at 5.30pm, or by visiting
