They still call her 'Fat Ma', which, as you can see from the photo here, is a bit of a misnomer. Singer and actress Maria Cordero tells CitySeen just how she shed those 36kg and kept them off. Her secret, which is no secret, really: exercise and eat smart. 'I didn't stop eating,' says Cordero. 'I ate carbs, starch, meat, fruits, everything. I needed the energy for cardio exercise, which I did a lot of. There is no better way to lose weight! And look at me now. I've stopped my intensive workout for three months now and I've only gained a measly two pounds. I've changed my metabolism, and that's what's helping keep the weight off now.' Cordero also admitted to using weight-loss laser therapy, but she noted that there is no way anyone can lose so much just with the help of weight-loss machines. 'I'm not even wearing a girdle!' Cordero booms loudly (she obviously preserved her heavy-weight voice).