Why is it that when Mr Lee and his family get to their new home on Peng Chau, Mr Lee cannot find the keys? Why is it that his little daughter Bonnie has them? Did she take them when he wasn't looking? Bonnie tells Mr Lee that a boy gave them to her. But who is this boy? As a typhoon lashes the island, Mr Lee and his family find that they have more than just a storm to put up with - strange things start to happen and, as time goes by, things get stranger and stranger.
You can hear part one of the Songbirds drama Jill Came Tumbling After tonight at 9.30pm on RTHK Radio 4 (97.4 FM). Below is an extract for you to read before or while listening to the radio.
Father: Not much further now, Sidney, just a bit further up the hill and we're there.
Angel: Are there beds in the new house?
Father: Yes, so after some nice hot rice and pork chops, we can all go to bed and have a good sleep. And, when we wake up in the morning, the sky will be shining, the birds will be singing, and the sea will be sparkling.
Bonnie: (Singing) Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water ...
Father: Good song, Bonnie.