IS NOW the right time to invest in property? And, if so, where? Newspapers seem to be full of property advertisements from around the world. To those of us who are interested and have the necessary resources, properties over the last month have been advertised in Hong Kong from such diverse locations as Canada, Britain, continental Europe, China and Malaysia.
If you want to buy for residential purposes then it is more a question of where you intend to settle. However, if you are looking for a pure investment property, there are a number of criteria to bear in mind.
The first and most obvious one, but equally the most often forgotten, is that most property investments are not passive investments.
Sometimes property investments work smoothly and you have no problems with tenants. However, there are sufficient horror stories around that demonstrate the fact that tenants are not always the most reliable people.
If you have a bad tenant, much of the benefit of investing in property can easily be eroded.
Looking at a classic economic cycle then what tends to happen, in order, is as follows: inflation falls, interest rates fall, bond prices go up, equity prices go up, property prices go up; inflation rises, interest rates rise, bond prices fall, equity prices fall, property prices fall.