This Diary Will Change Your Life 2005
by Benrik
Hodder & Stoughton $195
The 2005 edition of the cult best-seller offers more suggestions for changing your life every day. Tasks include: solve a world-famous mathematical problem; try to change fashion single-handedly; fight for your country; write a letter to your future self; learn to hypnotise yourself; act like a teenager; watch the sun set and reflect on your insignificance; set all the alarm clocks on display in a department store to ring at the same time. On Valentine's Day you should work out the person you know who is least likely to receive a Valentine and send him or her a bunch of flowers anonymously. There's even a page for the Lunar New Year, translated into Chinese. It's the year of the rooster and because it's a cantankerous beast, your task is to argue with anything anyone says until they come round to your point of view.