Best foot forward
Reflexologist and kinesiologist Fiona Clark has moved to the Holistic Healthcare Practice in Central. She can be reached at the centre on 16/F Hing Wai Bldg, 36 Queen's Rd Central. Inquiries: 2523 8044 or e-mail [email protected]
Mysore yoga
Yogasana is offering a five-morning Mysore intensive yoga workshop with Michel Besnard. Today-Fri, 7am- 9am, $800, or included in the Yogasana monthly pass. Yogasana, 3/F Century Court, 239 Jaffe Rd, Wan Chai. Inquiries: 2511 8892 or e-mail [email protected]
New aromatherapy centre
Aroma Energy is a new holistic- healing centre in Central providing ethical aromatherapy. It sells aroma care products and provides an aromatherapy master class, three-day aroma experience certification with Kurt Schnaubelt, an international leader in aromatherapy. Feb 24-26, 9/F Thyrse House, 16 Pottinger St, Central. Inquiries: 2526 6328 or [email protected]
Priceless offerings