Q Should regulations governing medicine advertising on television be relaxed?
The proposal to allow drug advertising ('Drug firms may see TV and radio advertising ban lifted', December 23) would appear to be yet another example of how the government accepts the wishes of big corporations against the interests of the people.
The medical profession would argue that pharmaceuticals are part of a system comprising diagnosis, prescription of a drug and observation of effects - and that drugs should not be taken in other circumstances.
What is the objective of the pharmaceutical companies? Is it to encourage people to seek drugs by the back door, or to pester their doctors into giving them what they have been brainwashed to believe is good for them?
A report by the Nutritional Institute of America concluded that millions of patients in hospitals have adverse drug reactions to prescribed medicine. There are no similar statistics for Hong Kong, but surely there is a lot to do to put our medical house in order before opening the doors to yet more errors and irresponsibility.
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