Dave Rawson, comedy hypnotist, conforms to Britain's 1952 Ethical Hypnotism Act. This means that, if you're hoping to see your mates eat chillies like chocolates or imitate George W. Bush launching nuclear war, you're going to be sadly disappointed.
Oh, well.
Rawson has a reputation for being super-fast, capable of effecting a trance within 10 minutes. 'I'm the quickest hypnotist,' he says. 'It's unbelievable how quickly I can get people into a trance, and then we get them to do all these crazy things.'
If you've ever wanted to sing Macarena in the style of Elvis Presley in a hurry, or fall in love with a mosquito in less than 15 minutes, Rawson's your man. So long as such behaviour conforms to the 1952 Ethical Hypnotism Act.
The stereotypical image of hypnotists making complete fools out of people is something Rawson is quick to dispel.
'It's an utterly family-orientated show,' he says. 'I ask for volunteers, who have to be over 18. We have people laughing, crying, being hot, being cold - but all just in a gentle way.'