'People can go to Window of the World in Shenzhen to see the pyramids and Eiffel Tower without travelling to Europe. Why doesn't he build one in Hong Kong?' Director of arts group Zuni Icosahedron Danny Yung Ning-tsun, wondering if a tacky project like the one in Shenzhen is more suitable for Hong Kong than Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen's vision for West Kowloon.
'You can see that over the past seven years I haven't changed much.' Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa, defending his record.
'Individual departments' point of view is that 'my role is not to tackle laundry'.' Ombudsman Alice Tai Yuen-ying, explaining why she had to approach the chief secretary's office after buck-passing by six government departments over complaints about drying laundry in public places.