Q Is the independent report on the EOC a whitewash?
It is not a whitewash. Three prominent members of the public were appointed and conducted an inquiry over a long period of time, where all parties were examined. In fact, I find it outrageous the usual critics are still complaining.
Society for Community Organisation director Ho Hei-wah said that 'panel members were very simple and naive to just believe what they were told instead of examining, cross-examining'. Was Mr Ho present throughout the whole inquiry to know there was no such examining?
The public also has the right to hold Mr Ho accountable for his statements, that they can be proven and are not just slanderous comments.
Likewise, former commission chairwoman Anna Wu Hung-yuk should not put herself above public scrutiny as she held a very public job. That she should think she's beyond public scrutiny is arrogant and self-righteous.
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