Two more men have been arrested in connection with the execution-style killing of a diner at a Ho Man Tin restaurant on Thursday night, bringing the number of arrests to four.
Police have still to identify the man who was shot dead at point-blank range while at the Thai Kei restaurant in Oi Man Estate.
The two men were taken to Kowloon City police station and Kowloon West police headquarters for questioning yesterday afternoon. The other two arrested men have been undergoing questioning since Friday.
Police said all the arrested men were of Chinese origin and aged between 29 and 42. They have given no further details about the arrests.
One of the suspects, his head covered by a hood, was taken back to the crime scene handcuffed.
The pony-tailed victim was eating dinner with about seven others when he was shot three times, twice in his chest and once below his left armpit. His companions fled immediately after the shooting.