World Vision hopes 3,000 people will take part in its annual 30-hour famine camp in April, which will help hungry children worldwide, especially those affected by the Indian Ocean tsunami.
'Last year, we had about 2,300. We want to recruit more, especially this year,' said Agnes Ting Mei-chu, of World Vision Hong Kong.
She said city residents had shown impressive generosity since the Boxing Day disaster.
'But besides donating money, I hope people taking part in the camp can experience the hardship faced by [displaced] children, like having to carry water.'
Ms Ting hopes World Vision's various fund-raising activities planned for this year, including the camp, will reap up to $10 million, which will be partly used to support rehabilitation work in tsunami-affected areas.
The fund-raising event, jointly organised by World Vision and Commercial Radio 2 since 1984, will be held at the Aberdeen Sports Ground from April 23 to 24.
The theme of this year's camp is 'Your Love, Children's Hope'.