I have fallen in love with Melie Bianco Hobo Ring handbags. I have searched the internet for them, but
I can only find them on eBay. Are her bags available in Hong Kong?
Hobo Baggins, New Territories
The Dictator rules: Were you too distracted by MTV's Laguna Beach, the show that made these synthetic leather bags popular? Or are you just lazy? We are mystified by your internet proficiency, or lack thereof. We typed in and - surprise! - we were taken straight to the home of Ring Hobo bags. From there, we learned Melie Bianco bags are not sold in Hong Kong, but can be purchased through (about $375). Since you're obviously not too perceptive, we'll help you find alternatives. Kate Spade does various bags with ring features in real leather or satin ($1,700 to $2,100; G214, Harbour City, Tsim Sha Tsui, tel: 3104 0855). For something a bit more unique, visit leather specialist Lianca (27 Staunton Street, Central, tel: 2139 2989). The closest match has a large ring on the strap and comes in various colours, including metallic leathers ($1,000). For the cheapskate, a stroll down Li Yuen Street East and West in Central yields many options for under $1,000. It's really not that hard.
Where can I find a pair of light green/apple green corduroy trousers that are NOT hipsters and zip up
at the front instead of buttoning? Something reasonable please.
Ever Green, Happy Valley
