When actress Josie Ho Chiu-yee made as if to step off the third floor balcony at the Landmark Atrium on Wednesday night, what gave onlookers a start was the fact she did not immediately jump. Ho was performing for the opening of the new Fendi store in Central. At one point in the show, stuntmen chased each other around the balconies to where Ho was standing, three storeys above the new store.
When they reached the wire-harnessed actress, there was an explosion of confetti and Ho moved forward as if to jump - but then held back. She managed to clear the balcony on the second attempt and completed a sluggish somersault in mid-air before being lowered to the ground.
CitySeen later chatted to Ho and Fendi Group chairman Carla Fendi, who asked Ho if she had been afraid to jump from such a height. 'I wasn't really afraid,' Ho replied, 'but I didn't like being so high up. I felt like I couldn't really stand steadily on that railing'.