Many children find it difficult to answer nature's call while on shopping trips with their parents due to a lack of facilities tailored to their needs at mall washrooms, a survey shows.
'The findings show there is no consideration of children's needs in public washrooms,' said Kwun Tong district councillor Yu Sau-chun, who headed the survey of 40 private malls and 60 shopping centres at public housing estates.
Children's urinals were found at just nine of the washrooms, while one provided stools to stand on, and only two were equipped with low wash basins.
'This is a serious issue, especially for those living in public housing estates. None of them have proper hygiene facilities for kids,' said Ms Yu.
'Lots of parents have complained that their children are reluctant to go into public washrooms. The children find it troublesome to use adults' lavatories.'
She urged the government to introduce legislation to ensure that washrooms provide facilities for children.