Columnists get to express their opinions
Student Columnist of the Year Carmen Chan Ka-man, a sixth-former at Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School, has always liked to write but what particularly pleases her is the freedom enjoyed by a columnist.
Inspiration for her article 'The Three Species in this World', was derived from an ongoing donation campaign to raise money for the school's development.
'Unlike doing school essays on given topics, this time I could decide what I wanted to write,' said Carmen, who is in the process of writing a novel which she has only shown to her friends.
Her participation in the competition also gave her a chance to engage in a creative activity outside school, she said. 'I am quite satisfied with my article, my teacher only made a few minor changes to it.''
Carmen said, however, that her biggest passion in life was to be a fashion designer rather than a writer.
First runner-up Phyllis Cheng, a Form Four student at Heep Yunn School, sought inspiration from things around her and by talking to senior students.