Updated at 7.09pm: Acting Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen on Tuesday unveiled the first Sustainable Development (SD) Strategy for Hong Kong - pledging it would improve people's quality of life.
'It is the first step in building a platform that will ensure a better quality of life for all Hong Kong people, both now and in the future,' said Mr Tsang.
Mr Tsang is a chairman of the Council for Sustainable Development. He said the first SD strategy was a 'good start' in achieving the council's vision for Hong Kong to be 'a city for all to share and enjoy, for this and for future generations'.
Based on the recommendations from the council, as outlined in its report: Making Choices for Our Future, the government wants to achieve sustainable solutions in three areas: solid waste management, renewable energy and urban living space.
Speaking on the government's plans for solid waste management on Tuesday, Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works Sarah Liao Sau-tung said the government had adopted targets proposed by the council. These would reduce the amount of municipal solid waste generated in Hong Kong.
Dr Liao said the targets were achievable through joint efforts between the government and the community.